As two seventeenth-century magicians strive to discover the magic of Aizai, the world of shadows threatens everything they have achieved...

Shadows of Aizai is the second book in the Soul Wanderers series.

You can get the e-book from Muse it UpAmazon, Kobo, or Barnes and Noble.

Find it on Goodreads here.

The print book will be released soon!


Wolfdon Pellegrin and Toulouse Saloman, two eighteen-year-old boys living in seventeenth-century Spain, have recently discovered they are to become founders of a future paradise called Aizai. It will be created by the Magicians, who form a secret society scattered throughout the world. However, they are threatened by dark magicians called the Magi, who have for many ages been impeding the Magicians’ success.
While Toulouse is initiated into an order of Magicians and must learn from a spirit-commanding sorceress and a misanthropic Magician, Wolfdon is trapped in the Middle Ages by the haughty son of a great Magician and must find a way to return to the present. Yet what he finds in the past may have great bearings on the formation of Aizai itself.
As the shadow world of the Magi encroaches upon them, Wolfdon and Toulouse must discover the remaining founders of Aizai and its magic before it is too late.

  • Word Warrior T-shirts and other merchandise are available on Redbubble now. Thanks to the artist Carolyn Harris who drew the mask!
  • For free bookmarks, click here.

I am now working on the next (and final) book in the series! Hints will come later, but you can see images on my board on Pinterest:
Follow Mary-Jean's board Diamonds of Aizai on Pinterest.

Word Warriors!
Wonder how I imagined the characters? Check out my Pinterest board here:
Follow Mary-Jean's board Sequel of Aizai on Pinterest.

"A Soul Wanderer never knows. He wanders; he makes his own path through the
heights of the universe."

-Sio Larwick

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Mary-Jean's books

The Printer's Devil
The Crystal Cave
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Lost Prince
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Rise of the Darklings
The Fire King
Clockwork Angel
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
The Lost World
Around the World in Eighty Days
The Sum of All Men
Brotherhood of the Wolf
The Lair of Bones
Sons of the Oak
The Wyrmling Horde

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